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Chocolate Cough reliever

Written By Emdua on Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 | 23.12

Chocolate has long been known to have many health benefits due to the high antioxidant content. The content of this can protect the skin from damage.

Not only that, chocolate also contains theobromine, which can relieve cough, especially coughing in a long time and continuous or persistent.

Scientists now have reached the final stage of clinical testing on drugs that contain theobromine, a natural ingredient found in cocoa and chocolate. If the experiment is successful, these drugs can be marketed within the next two years, was quoted by the Daily Mail.

This study was made because more and more people suffer from persistent coughing. More than seven million Britons suffer from a cough that lasts continuously or lasts more than two weeks. Cough accompanied by asthma symptoms and their heat.

Meanwhile, most cough medicines are available only to soothe the symptoms, rather than deal with the cause. Drugs like this much criticized because it has side effects, like drowsiness. So, there are fears of side effects caused by codeine-based medicine, which uses chemicals similar drugs.

Research conducted at London's National Heart and Lung Institute, found that theobromine, 33 percent more effective against coughs than codeine. These natural ingredients work directly on the vagus nerve, which is responsible for persistent cough.

In addition, research in South Korea also showed that theobromine has no such side effects common to other drugs.
23.12 | 0 komentar | Read More

Effective Gel Hand Cleanser

After using hand gel or hand sanitizer, maybe you think the skin will be protected from germs in the long term. But, is this correct?

"The gel hand sanitizers only work one or two minutes and should be used again when the contamination occurred," said Philip Tierno, Director Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at NYU Langone Medical Center told the New York Daily News.

Doctor Len Horovitz, an expert in diseases of the Lenox Hill Hospital, adding the benefits of hand sanitizer will also disappear when you hold the goods or shaking someone's hand. Moreover, not all bacteria can be overcome by this practical leather cleaner.

"The best thing to be protected from germs is to wash hands with soap and water," Horovitz said, quoted by the Times Of India. "In addition to soap and water, the best way to keep harmful germs is not touching your face, unless you've washed your hands."

Previously, a survey showed that more than half of Americans thought that antibacterial gel can protect the skin from germs in the long term. In fact, according to a survey Healthpoint, gel hand sanitizer can work up to six hours.

So how do handle the germs on your hands? Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) United States recommends that you use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol when soap and water does not exist.

Hand sanitizers that contain alcohol which will work significantly enough to protect the skin from bacteria.
23.11 | 0 komentar | Read More

Why Smoking Can Trigger Stress

Most smokers believe that smoking, it can relieve stress. You know, assuming as it is actually misguided.

According to health experts, many studies have proven that. Smoking was not able to eliminate stress, taken from Methods Of Healing.

The results showed, in certain situations most smokers do have higher stress levels than those not smoking. After smoking, they think feel more relieved and relaxed, but felt it was a form of dependence on nicotine.

It is true that you can feel relieved and relaxed when inhale cigarette smoke. But, actually it's not because of cigarettes. In other words, it's all because you have been addicted to nicotine so that whenever stress comes you need nicotine.

This study reveals facts contrary. Cigarettes do not reduce stress, on the contrary, you can increase stress because of cigarettes.

A simple example like this, when you can not stand to smoke, while in the bag had no money, then you will be stressed.

Or, when your office in a building that is the smoking ban, this could make you more stress. Already stressed because of work, plus more stress because they can not satisfy your addiction to tobacco smoke.

Health research also revealed that people who smoke have mood swings. She felt happy when the smoke. It happened because he has truly addicted. And happiness is felt, not least because of tobacco.

So, chances are best for you is to stop thinking that smoking will reduce stress and increase happiness. If you stop smoking, maybe you'll feel stressed for several days. But once you get through this adjustment, believe me you are heading in a healthy body and soul. Automatically, the stress will be away from your life.
23.10 | 0 komentar | Read More

Save Our Eyes Glaucoma Patients

There is good news for sufferers of glaucoma are at risk of blindness worldwide. A team of British doctors found that people with glaucoma implants can look.

The procedure for 15 minutes will embed the device is very small in the eyes of glaucoma sufferers. Tool developed at Manchester Royal Infirmary, designed to prevent glaucoma.

Glaucoma is an eye disorder that occurs when pressure inside the eye increases as a result of fluid expelled naturally failed because of the blockage. Patients with glaucoma is predicted to reach tens of thousands around the world.

Is the 'implant' the magic? Scientists uncover, small implants are small titanium channel called a stent. Stent serves as a pathway for cleaning and drainage of fluid in the eye.

The first patient was successfully rescued Jackie Baker on the operation in July 2010.

"I read about a new device and came to the Hospital of Manchester. After a quick diagnosis, my doctor's surgery led by Leon Au. Now I can look normal," Backer said as quoted by the Daily Express.
23.06 | 0 komentar | Read More

Do not dismiss Anemia

Often feel dizzy and dazed look? It was two of several symptoms of anemia or anemia. Often, because of mild symptoms many women who ignore this complaint. All you need to know, if untreated, anemia can be a problem of dangerous conditions that lead to various diseases.

Most people who suffer from anemia have the same symptoms, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and pale skin. Tissues from patients with this disease due to lack of blood supply of oxygen to the body is not ideal, causing signs or symptoms that disrupt the activity.

But do not worry, there are ways to prevent the problem of lack of blood, as quoted by All Women's Talk the following:

Expand the iron-rich foods
Iron can be obtained from animal foods and vegetables. Examples of foods rich in iron, among others, oysters, liver, shellfish, turkey, sardines, shrimp, beef, cereals, lentils, pumpkin seeds, and nuts.

Reduce drinking tea and coffee
Studies show, tea and coffee intake inhibits the absorption of iron in the body. Very high levels of tea polyphenols, thereby inhibiting the absorption of iron. Decrease iron absorption could reach 70 percent if consumption of tea is too much, and 40 percent due to coffee consumption. Even black coffee can reduce iron absorption by 50 percent.

Iron supplements
The recommended daily dosage for taking iron supplements for women aged between 14-18 years is 15mg. Whereas in women aged 19-50 years, plus a dose of 3mg. In pregnant women are encouraged consumption of higher doses, between 17-22mg, while breast-feeding mothers should be reduced slightly to 15 mg. And, for women aged 50 years and over are encouraged to consume 8 mg a day.

Monitor the menstrual cycle
Women who experience heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle can become anemic. To that end, watching the menstrual cycle is important, because severe bleeding can cause you to iron deficiency. If pendaharan too much, and causes weakness during menstruation should multiply the iron-rich foods, or consult a doctor to determine the proper dose of supplements that will be consumed.

Drinking orange juice
Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron well. If you do not like to eat whole fruit, orange juice can be a source of vitamin C is good for the body.

Be careful when cooking food
Cooking food overcooked and use lots of water can reduce the content of iron present in vegetables and food that you cook. The more water you use to cook food, the more iron will be present in the water you waste. Try to process food in temperatures as low as possible so that no loss of food nutrients.

Babies can also experience anemia
Breast-fed babies have a lower risk of developing anemia, because of the high content of iron in breast milk. For that always give milk for the baby.
22.57 | 0 komentar | Read More

Watching football can be a heart attack

A man in Makassar, South Sulawesi, died when watching Gonzales include goals against Malaysia in the semifinal Indonesia versus Malaysia, Sunday, December 19, 2010 last. It is very surprising, because the man died in a matter of seconds. The cause of death is expected due to a heart attack.

"In the case of watching the ball, in some people who have a history of coronary heart disease, it could happen. However, for people who have no history of coronary heart disease, heart attacks can still happen, because it ignores the existing symptoms or sudden death does occur directly (sudden death), "said dr. Sedyawan Jetty, a specialist in heart disease, when contacted VIVAnews.

Manifestations or symptoms of coronary heart there are five. First, the chest pain. Second, cardiac rhythm disturbances. Third, shortness of breath. Fourth heart attack, and the fifth sudden death. There have been cases of heart attacks are preceded by symptoms such as palpitations, Bedar, or shortness of breath, but there is also a direct experience sudden death.

If anyone has any risk factors should also be explored and examined. Including risk factors, such as hypertension, stress prone, diabetes or smoking. Family history of heart disease and lifestyle also needs to be examined.

"Usually, patients who experienced sudden death ignore the symptoms. Then, the cause of the sudden death of approximately 80-90 percent of heart rhythm disturbance caused by either severe or mild," dr. Jetty added.

Originators of sudden death according to dr. Jetty is not just watching a ball game. But also due to stress or depression. "When stressed, your body releases the hormone adrenaline, which stimulate the heart muscle work harder. It makes blood vessels constrict and contraction. As a result the blood pressure to rise or lead to heart rhythm disturbances."

But, for those who have a history of heart and want to keep watching the ball does not matter. Of course, as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle has always remained, such as berolaharga regularly, eat healthy and good stress management course.
22.56 | 0 komentar | Read More
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